Goals of the CDC Arthritis Grant Program
• Support dissemination of arthritis appropriate, evidence-based
interventions (AAEBIs)
• Implement referral pathways to increase AAEBI access and
• Increase the proportion of adults with arthritis who get counseling for
physical activity
• Reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes for adults with arthritis.
Statewide Delivery of AAEBIs through a Community Hub Model:
A Component A Project in Iowa

Statewide CDC Arthritis Grant Project
The proposed project will build and support capacity for the broad dissemination of arthritis-appropriate, evidence-based interventions (AAEBIs) to reduce the burden of arthritis in Iowa. The project will be coordinated by the ISU Translational Research Network (U-TuRN) and be implemented and managed by the Iowa Community HUB, a ‘community-care hub’ led by CHPcommunity, a non-profit agency serving clinical and community partners in Iowa. Consistent with program guidelines, we will work with clinical partners to increase the proportion of adults with arthritis who get counseled for physical activity and the number that are referred to available AAEBIs. We will also work to increase the capacity of community-based organizations such as the state network of affiliated Area Agencies on Aging sites across the state to plan, promote and deliver AAEBIs. Our innovative technology system and network of state, regional and county-level partners will enable us to increase AAEBI access and capacity in rural communities, targeting populations that are disproportionately affected by arthritis. Over the five–year project, we will build capacity for a sustainable, state wide system to reduce health disparities and improve the health outcomes of Iowans.