Referral Tools
Effective referral strategies strengthen coordination between traditional healthcare and community-based organizations to enhance patient access to programs and services that help improve their health and quality of life.
We have collected referral tools that can help you more easily refer eligible patients for community programs
We support our healthcare providers to screen patients regularly and have the tools to effectively refer and link patients to appropriate community-based resources and social services.
General HUB Referral Form
Health care providers can use this form to make referrals to the HUB. This form works great if you don't know exactly which program would fit best and/or if you need the HUB to help connect patients to wraparound services that address barriers to healthy living.
Diabetes Prevention Program Referral Form
Health care providers can use this form to make referrals to the HUB to get their patient enrolled in a Diabetes Prevention Program around the state.
Walk With Ease Referral Form
Health care providers can use this form to make referrals to the HUB to get their patient enrolled in a Walk With Ease Program around the state.
Resources for Point of Care Referral for Prevention
Physicians and care teams can use the following documents to help determine roles and responsibilities for identifying adult patients with prediabetes and promote referral to community-based diabetes prevention programs.
Practice Resources for Diabetes Self Management Education and Support
Access program information and step-by-step instructions on how to refer including referral forms at the link below.
Setting up Bi-Directional Referral with the HUB
Learn about ways we can help connect your patients to community programs and social care services.