Iowa Community HUB Awarded Funding to Develop, Expand, and Enhance Ability to Operate as Community Care Hub
The Iowa Community HUB was selected as one of 20 grantees to be awarded funding through USAging’s Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care (COE). With the funding received through the COE, we will build the HUB’s operational capacity to more effectively bridge the gap between health and social care by connecting Iowans with meaningful, evidence based-health promotion programs, resources, and services to address health-related social needs. The COE is supported by the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) and will support community care hubs in their work to assess and address individuals’ health-related social needs and promote whole-person care.
The intent of these awards is to provide infrastructure funding to the selected CCHs like the Iowa Community HUB in support of their contracting efforts with health care organizations for coordinated access to and delivery of social care programs and services (including support for hospital-to-home care transition programs) that assess and address health-related social needs and improve health equity and inclusion for individuals, families, and/or caregivers. These efforts will also enhance Iowa’s No Wrong Door (NWD) access systems and coordinate with local and/or state public health departments.
“The Iowa Community HUB is honored to be awarded this funding and we will use this opportunity to build our capacity to support more partners across the state and foster cross-sector collaborations best capable to prevent and manage chronic disease and address a spectrum of health-related social needs. In particular, we will work to expand our partnership with Iowa’s Aging and Disability Network,” said Trina Radske-Suchan, President/CEO of the Iowa Community HUB.
About The Iowa Community HUB
The Iowa Community HUB is a nonprofit community care hub (CCH) working with network partners to connect Iowans with meaningful evidence-based programs with a focus on reducing health disparities for priority populations experiencing greater obstacles to health. For more information, visit and follow @The Iowa Community HUB on Facebook.
About USAging
USAging is the national association representing and supporting the network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocating for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs. Our members help older adults and people with disabilities throughout the United States live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity in their homes and communities. For more information, visit and follow @theUSAging on Facebook, X and Instagram.
About the Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care
The Center of Excellence to Align Health and Social Care (COE), part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute at USAging, is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through a cooperative agreement totaling approximately $12 million over a three-year period with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS.