Disability Resources
The ability to understand and integrate the needs of participants with a wide range of abilities is critical for anyone involved in the implementation of evidence-based programs
Iowa Compass
Iowa Compass connects people with disabilities and complex health-related needs to services and supports in their communities throughout Iowa.
Devoted to the interests, concerns, and needs of Iowans with disabilities.
Loan/Borrow Adaptive Health and Wellness Equipment
The Easterseals Assistive Technology Lending Library is available to any individual that resides in Iowa with the need to loan/borrow adaptive health and wellness equipment. This service is set up as a short-term 30-day loan trial. Up to five devices at a time can be loaned/borrowed and unlimited number of devices in any given year.
Promoting Full Equity - Creating Inclusive Programs
This is a 4-part training series provided by staff from the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability and Easterseals Iowa. It covers foundational-level knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to adapt evidence-based health promotion programs, so they are inclusive of participants with and without disabilities.
Disability Inclusion Video Series
This was a project supported through a contract with the University of Iowa and Iowa Department of Health and Human Services funded by the National Center on Health, Physical Activity, and Disability.
A tool and framework used to adapt evidence-based health promotion programs to be inclusive of people with disabilities. The GRAIDs are broken down by potential changes in 5 inclusion domains.
Community Health Inclusion Index
The Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) is an organizational assessment that helps stakeholders plan and develop strategies that will impact the health and wellbeing of all members of the community, including persons with disabilities.
Community Health Inclusion Planning Guide
The Community Health Inclusion Sustainability Planning Guide (CHISP) can be used to help you create an Inclusive Health Coalition (IHC) in your community or support an existing community health coalition. The end goal is to promote greater access to programs and services for people with disabilities and other community members who are typically not involved in health promotion/wellness initiatives.
NCHPAD’s Guide to Engaging the Disability Community
The first step in creating inclusive and welcoming spaces is to understand what it takes to be an ally and advocate. Check out this toolkit by the National Center for Health, Physical Activity and Disability and become a disability advocate.
NCHPAD's Guide to Creating Access and Inclusion at all Events
Creating an inclusive event means creating an event that is free of barriers, engaging for the broadest audience, and goes beyond the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance to universal design. This toolkit will provide guidance on how to best serve the needs of all individual’s in any event setting.
Hosting Inclusive Virtual Wellness Activities
This NCHPAD guide provides tips to make sure that your virtual wellness activity is accessible to everyone with or without a disability.
Fitness Center Makeover
Created by NCHPAD and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, this virtual tour of an accessible community fitness center provides a layout of exercise equipment in logical groupings for fitness workouts while also assuring each piece of equipment can be accessed by any user, including people who use wheelchairs or other assistive devices for mobility.
Commit to Inclusion
A global campaign to end the exclusion of people with disability from physical activity and all associated areas. Help build inclusive, healthy communities!
Tips for Creating Inclusive Programs
Through a project funded by a cooperative agreement (#1NU27DD000019) with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, IDPH partnered with Siouxland District Health Department to produce a series of fact sheets and webinars to support local public health and health coalitions to become more inclusive of people with disabilites.
Including people with disabilities in everyday activities and encouraging them to have roles similar to their peers who do not have a disability is disability inclusion. Check out CDC's library of information and resources.
CDC Disability & Health Iowa Profile Data
See how disability impacts Iowa. Everyone can play a role in supporting more inclusive state programs, communities, and health care to help people with, or at risk for, disabilities be well and active in their communities.
Inclusive Worksite Wellness
This guide provides a comprehensive examination of worksite wellness and offers tips, strategies and resources to ensure that your worksite wellness program is inclusive of people with disabilities. You can use the guide to build an inclusive worksite wellness program from the ground up or, if you already have a program in place, use it to ensure that you are reaching employees with disability in your wellness program.
Office of Disability, Injury & Violence Prevention
The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services strives to address the burden of injury on the public health by disseminating information about injury deaths and hospitalizations and promoting programs directed at preventing both intentional and unintentional injuries.
Iowa Olmstead Consumer Task Force
The Iowa Olmstead Consumer Task Force provides a variety of resources available to Iowans with disabilities and their families. Click on the button below to take you to their links to disability organizations and state agencies involved in disability services to learn more.
Apple's Accessibility
Apple recently shared a new ad titled "The Greatest" that highlights accessibility features available on the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. Namely, the ad demonstrates the Door Detection, Sound Recognition, and Voice Control features on these devices.
Smartphone Apps and Resources for People with Vision Loss or Impairment
This website explores a wealth of features and apps for people with vision issues and shares many resources.
Iowa State Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Visit the Iowa Department of Human Rights where you can access the most recent lists or enter search criteria for Interpreters for the Deaf.